KinomatiX Lite

1 customer review


Ultimate ‘naked’ Cinelifter

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The ultimate cinelifter for

Naked BMPCC 4k/6k lightweight cameras action footage

KinomatiX gyrolog

Clean Gyro Log

With the most recent advances in PID tuning with Brian white’s genius PIDToolbox, blackbox logging became vastly more popular for PID tuning and frame review. We proudly present this plot depicting the frequency distribution on our KinomatiX BNF. Very low noise in general and no spikes in the important region of below 100hz can be observed. The log represents a 1 and 1/2 minutes flight with some punches, flips and cruising (thanks David Gu!). Feel free to download the log and check out yourself!

Lipo placement

With the KinomatiX Lite, we recommend using 6s 4500-5200 mAh cinelifter Lipo mounted below the frame. The XT90 or AS150 connector is mounted rigidly onto the frame and is also contained in the Frame Kit.

GPS & Antenna mount

The printed GPS mount will make sure it stays in place and is slightly angled to ensure a fast gps lock and strong connection during forward flight. The integratged XT90/AS150 mount allows hassle free Lipo changing. SMA antenna mounts are also integrated into the same 3D printed part, angle towards the back to ensure ideal placement in forward flight.

3D prints

TPU Mount for all components used in our Builds (Pololu, Air Unit, Nano RX Diversity, 50v Caps etc.) are available and included in the frame Kit. Forget about zip ties and tape!

XT30 Power supply and cap placement

A cutout in the center of the frame allows ideal (close to load) placement of capacitors for ESC and Pololu. This cutout also helps to guide the XT30 power cable for the BMPCC naked. The cable can also be safely stored for flights without an active camera (testing etc.

Camera mount

The mounting holes for the naked camera can hold any naked BMPCC camera on the market. M3 pressnuts make sure the camera can be mounted securely and removed quickly.

8″ Cinelifter X4 aka KinomatiX Lite

After a long journey of refinements and design discussions we are proud to release the KinomatiX Lite as our 8-9″ X4 cinelifter frame. The frame is made to carry any naked BMPCC 4k or 6k camera on the market.

The KinomatiX Lite was optimized in many aspects to create a stiff base structure for carrying naked cameras with clean flight characteristics and gyro logs. Many small improvements for reliable operation originating in the cinelifter community are condensed into this frame. 3D prints for every part allow a very clean build with great cable management and component placement.

The components used for this build are among the best available on the market. XNOVA proves to be a highend motor manufacturer in every motor class, same goes for AIKON on their stacks with extremely high reliability. Pololu are used for voltage conversion for the BMPCC and Air unit, panasonic capacitors make sure voltage spikes do not cause any issues for the build.

Huge shoutout to Ellis van Jason for helping us to improve many design parameters of this frame for virtually perfect flight characteristics and smooth operation even in harsh conditions.

Top Specs

150 km/h +
2 km and more
3-8 minutes

Top features

– Made for DJI Air Unit HD Videolink

– Use a BEC for camera power via XT30

– Optimized for carrying BMPCC naked cameras

– 8″ Propellers

– 8mm arm thickness

Kit includes

– KinomatiX Lite CFK Kit

– Standoffs and Screws

– 3D parts Kit

– Silicon Battery Pad

– 2 Kevlar LiPo Straps

– XT90 & XT30 connectors

– 50V 1000uf Capacitor

– Sweet goodies to make your day!

– No cinema camera included!

1 review for KinomatiX Lite

  1. David Gu

    I first built mine using the 2812 1100 KV xnova motors. I was really never happy with my tune. After suggested I try using 2810 motors from xnova. This thing became a whole other beast. Its super fast very very agile and with just a gopro on top I got 10 min flight time using a old 6S 4000mah lipo.I am so pleased with this build I am going to put my BGH1 on it now and make some awesome videos.

Having no gear yet?

Instant Fly kit

get the full package
Need more flight time?

6S 4500mha LiPos

get the power
Crash it like a pro

8" propellers

Prop it up

Based on 1 review

  1. David Gu

    I first built mine using the 2812 1100 KV xnova motors. I was really never happy with my tune. After suggested I try using 2810 motors from xnova. This thing became a whole other beast. Its super fast very very agile and with just a gopro on top I got 10 min flight time using a old 6S 4000mah lipo.

    I am so pleased with this build I am going to put my BGH1 on it now and make some awesome videos.

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